
Results 8 issues of machenmusik

For example: data:text/html;charset=utf-8;base64,PGEtZW50aXR5IG1hdGVyaWFsPSJjb2xvcjpyZWQiIGdlb21ldHJ5PSJwcmltaXRpdmU6Ym94O3dpZHRoOjAuMTtoZWlnaHQ6MC4zO2RlcHRoOjAuMSIgc2NhbGU9IjEgMSAxIiB2aXNpYmxlPSJ0cnVlIiBxdWF0ZXJuaW9uPSItMC4wMDA1OTU3NDU1NjQxODQzNDk2IDAuMDAzNTg1MDE2ODI2NTA2NzU3IC0wLjAwNTI5MTI2MDYxMTg2NzM2NjYgMC45OTk5NzkzOTc0MzkxMjQxIiB2ZWxvY2l0eT0iIj48L2EtZW50aXR5Pg==

Currently WebARonARKit does not seem to handle media playback inline, and requires user gesture to initiate. This PR should address both concerns.

Does Firefox Reality support the recent Oculus Quest feature to do mixed reality capture?

A suggestion: It looks like the Corto library requires 4-byte alignment for buffers being decoded, but since uvol files do not enforce any alignment, the current Unity code is forcing...

Note that for existing installations, the following is recommended due to complications with older versions of functorch: - `pip uninstall torch torchvision functorch` - install the correct pytorch 1.13.1 version...

For methods that provide "rgb" to the viewer as well as "depth" this PR allows the selection of "rgb depth" output in the viewer to see both side-by-side.

I think I discovered the root cause of the %05d issue solved by #1259... CottageMiniature includes mask images, and the RealityCapture import is treating them as non-mask images... so the...

With #2521, and the bicycle dataset (thanks @kerrj), on my Windows 11 machine with CUDA 11.8, `ns-train gaussian-splatting colmap --data data\bicycle --colmap-path sparse/0` exceeds 16GB VRAM (this card's limit) after...