Chen Ma

Results 43 issues of Chen Ma

in You pass a mystery `offset=[32,32]`, what is the intention of this offset?

the command line python --modelpath generator_model_3008000.npz --imagepath input.png --outputpath sr.png is too slow and which runs consume about 8~9Gb memory. Can it optimize to fast and consume smaller memory?

I want to download pretrained chainer model .npz to continue to train.

Which is train script, how should I train on different dataset, Do we need to write load data script?

I repeat my understanding about your codes, can you tell me is it exactly what you mean? In this example , I omit the procedure of random sample, just look... But actually you have 1000 classes, why set to 1001 and then `outputs.append(x[:,1:])`

Dear Sir: In your code `def approximate_gradient(model, sample, num_evals, delta, params)`, I thought this code is used for estimating the true gradient as the following code: ``` def get_grad(self,...

The code starts from What does these codes mean? I can understand the above code to estimate gradients, which is mainly RGF method.