Chen Ma
Chen Ma
@nils489 @shijx12 I download and compile your caffe-fast-rcnn , it seems to compile success. But when I run, I found that your src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto **did not even have roi_pooling_param?** Did...
@Xiaocong6 正在开发,预计12月多开发完毕。其实chainer和PyTorch很相似的。
@Supltz @Xiaocong6 我最近有时间开始开发PyTorch版本了 ,敬请期待
@Gepeng18 最主要是`FaceMaskCropper.get_cropface_and_box`, 其实在config.py里面定义了精细的区域划分规则(利用了哪几个landmark point)以及AU group的规则。
@Gepeng18 我做好后会通知你的,其实现在有个半成品,但是因为在忙另一个会议,你要的话半成品的pytorch代码可以发你。
@Gepeng18 已经发了
It looks like that the python's project PATH does not configured correctly. For example , you may modify to the AU R-CNN project's absolute path in your machine.
@keylLi 你是说3-fold怎么划分的吗?应该是随机吧
All the related works report the average F1 score, rather than average. Because the accuracy is not fair in the case that **the data distribution over different AU classes are...