Chen Ma
Chen Ma
Oh, no! I found the candidate and eval_sample returned value are depended on each other.
@HuichenLi Can you help to answer these questions?
Dear HuiChenLi, I want to add the compared experiments of QEBA in my paper **so much**. However, when I follow the code into depth, I found the passed parameter `tgt_label`...
@HuiChenLi , I will check the output label with QEBA generated adversarial example, and I will contact with you later.
你用这个选项吧 --temporal_edge_mode,具体你看看代码,这个代码几年前写的,我记得不是很清了,但整体逻辑是把人脸的各个区域变成一个个node,然后整体一个graph连接起来。
OK, I will add a part in README. BTW, I am implementing a PyTorch version of AU R-CNN now.
@Jypeng-64 我已经写好了,把邮箱发我,我发给你
The following file is the compressed zip file of pytorch version of AU R-CNN. [](
If you use GPU, you should always use NCHW
In my experiment, I found the attack successful rate is low in many pictures. Why the attack successful rate is lower than BIM(iterative FGSM) and PGD?