Mac Browning

Results 9 comments of Mac Browning

After messing around with `consul-alerts` it seems like would severely limit performance. In a smaller datacenter with lower 4 digit checks the loop appears to take a minute. This...

Seems like this would be worth bringing up to packer. We only allow certain events to process serially. The completion of the shutdown should be verified before the snapshot is...

Leaking some super secret internal info here: ![screen shot 2014-07-01 at 10 41 11 pm]( This was basically what I was referring to. I'm not entirely sure when/if, but it's...

Also @ForbiddenEra, you can pass `per_page=1` as part of the query string and then you'll get paginated responses.

Might I recommend making a note that it currently doesn't work on osx? Spent a while beating myself over the head until I checked the issues.

Also, as a solution for future mac users: brew install coreutils ln /usr/local/bin/greadlink /usr/local/bin/readlink maybe re-source profile. (I had to get which readlink to return the correct path)

what is the output of: which brew which readlink It seems to me that you are using osx's readlink still. I've installed vim-gocode 3 times now on seperate OSX installs...

Yep, that's your issue. You need to make sure your home brew path /usr/local/bin is the first entry into your path. This way anything that replaces an osx default will...