César Estrada

Results 13 issues of César Estrada

Hi there... I'm trying your module.. But it throws false positives when testing for a command with the same name as a folder at the testing location... For example.. ```bash...

If I add [.default()](https://caporal.io/guide/commands.html#default-command) The other commands won't show in auto-generated help [Just like this old issue](https://github.com/mattallty/Caporal.js/issues/52) What am I missing ??? Thanks!!!

Excellent tool!!!... I've created my first font from a bunch of SVGs on the first try!!! But I have a problem with [Heroicons](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/heroicons). The resulting fonts ( at least the...

Hello Jason... I'm using RESTe in every project. And I love the elegant way to send data to the server like: ``` function uploadWithReste(avatar) { api.upload({ body: { media: avatar.source.image...

**I'm readdressing this issue that was originally brought up in Michael's [JIRA Ticket ](https://jira-archive.titaniumsdk.com/AC-6633).** **Problem:** Currently, an `app.tss` file is compiled into every `/android/alloy/styles/` and `/iphone/alloy/styles` style, needlessly increasing file...

Did YT change something AGAIN?? [https://yt2html5.com/?id=ScMzIvxBSi4](https://yt2html5.com/?id=ScMzIvxBSi4) The site always returns this no matter the video ID: `{ "success": false, "data": { "statusCode": 410 } }` Thanks!!

I'm not sure if this is a feature request or a bug report. But **yaml-plus-json** can't convert files that contain multiple 'objects', 'blocks', or whatever they are called in the...


Hi there.. Is there a way to add additional properties for class name suggestions?? Basically I need them for these two properties: `icon` and `classes`. ```xml ``` But other properties...

- Compiled to work with SDK 10.1.1.GA

Hi there... I'm getting http_code 0 from those 2 engines. How can we fix it ?? Thanks!!