i found anothor package [window_manager](https://pub.dev/packages/window_manager) solve my problem
copy from audioplayers_web.dart and modified some method with `base.dll` can easy to realize audioplayers in windows and linux. Basic functions have been implemented like `play` `pause` `stop` `getDuration` and more...
@xuelongqy dll and code updated,please take a check。 附件是我编译的windows端example二进制包,顺便也传上来。 [example.windows.zip](https://github.com/xuelongqy/flutter_jscore/files/5026207/example.windows.zip)
@rockingdice let's be close to the topic: `tail recursion` should not cause stack overflow that make sense
> ``` > no handler found for channel com.tekartik.sqflite > ``` > > Seems to get the correct ffi implementation but throws everytime this error. @erikseifert I have solved the...
i found another solution. just use `setDatabasesPath`, and all work fine. ```dart import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart' as sqflite; import 'package:sqflite_common_ffi/sqflite_ffi.dart'; import 'package:sqflite/src/factory_mixin.dart' as impl; sqflite.databaseFactory = databaseFactoryFfi; final factory = sqflite.databaseFactory as...
it works nice when it is hundreds of pages which content is painter in canvas ( performance huge improved
i found another better way : use only one `AnimationController` and only one PageTurnEffect, and in class `PageTurnEffect` get the current page and `isForward` to painter one or two page[s]
whether replace child in PageTurnWidget by textPainter can fix it ? @ivanlikov @krunduev