Maarten Mennes

Results 27 comments of Maarten Mennes

everything seemed to have installed fine, despite the error message regarding pystan. It was a clean environment created on centos7.2 with: conda create --name py36 python=3.6 anaconda

Yep, `from fbprophet import Prophet` is working as advertised... It then only took me a while to realize that your X and Y variables HAVE to be called 'ds' and...

Hello, yes, there is a grid size difference, but I believe there is also an origin difference between FSL and SPM, therefore it's not a simple as resampling the SPM...

thanks! It would indeed be good to trace the source of the grid difference, super annoying...

Given that the official version is in Raimon's github account, how would I go about creating this? In the docker automated build I can only choose my own repositories.

I'm currently still a noob when it comes to docker. This function was added by @chrisfilo - perhaps he can chime in?

Hi Stephan, it looks that for these subject the melodic run failed? Perhaps it ran out of memory and you did not notice.

yes: "Found 20 head motion-related components in a total of 20 components." i.e., all of your components are marked to be removed from the data, nothing would be left... Something...

potentially, but unlikely. A good indication could be to see how many components melodic returns if you don't set the dimensionality to 20. Is there a particular reason why you...