> I had a short disconnect and reconnect with ZNC and it sent me a message in a channel that happened during the disconnect period (confirmed from another client). This...
Would help if you provide the Disconnect message/reason it gives you. I'm using Windows 10 (on multiple machines, included a Surface Pro 4) and have no issues out of the...
@xaxxon right-click hexchat shortcut and then Properties. Under Compatibility, set Disable Display Scaling On High DPI... Its not perfect, but its functional. I have to do this on my Surface...
> Hi @mB-PiBox, > > CAN is a two wire bus, you have to connect both CAN high and CAN low. If it still doesn't work, I suggest to look...
Probably not supplying the correct pinout. Also you would need to define "RELAY1" to the pin you're using. Google how to use relay with Arduino, and you will get your...
No, relays work the same. You have POWER or NO POWER to the input/trigger. Which Opens or Closes the gate/circuit depending on the NC/NO state of the relay. By connecting...
Again, relay works the same. I have a 8 RELAY system that controls the lights in my work shop off a NodeMCU, and each relay input/trigger is connected to a...
Same.. Also the "icon width" looks fatter now, not smaller like the change notes said.. This is literally the only reason I bothered to update the app.. but instead I...