Антон Зайцев

Results 7 issues of Антон Зайцев

Hello. Can I get the code you used for conducting the research(https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.03589)? I would like to see how you processed the M4 dataset (https://github.com/Mcompetitions/M4-methods/tree/master/Dataset/Train) before feeding it into the model.


Hello Whether [processing data from the PatchTST repository](https://github.com/yuqinie98/PatchTST/tree/main/PatchTST_supervised/data_provider) will affect your predictions for better or worse? Thanks

Hi. Is it possible to run and test this model on Kaggle?

Hello, Dear developer. Question about the computing power expended: in the 20 November, 2023 year [preprint](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2310.08278v2) you write > We acknowledge the support from the Canada CIFAR AI Chair Program...

Hello, Dear Developer Can I know if you have performed any operations on dataset **weather**, before feeding it into the model, [I am getting an error](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/127GCKakWloOSMmbNWlrkoRciRV-R7VZ1?usp=sharing) `TypeError: object of type...


Hello. How to train the model on a different sample size and make a forecast for a different forecast horizon [I can't do it.](https://www.kaggle.com/code/mrantonzaitsev/tempo?scriptVersionId=172791826)