labelme2coco-keypoints icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
labelme2coco-keypoints copied to clipboard

Tool to convert all labelme keypoints file to one single coco keypoints file


This tool is to convert all labelme keypoints file to one single coco keypoints file

the following is coco keypoint format


"info": info,

"licenses": [license],

"images": [image],

"annotations": [annotation],

"categories": [category] 



"id": int,

"width": int,

"height": int,

"file_name": str,



"keypoints": [x1,y1,v1,...],

"num_keypoints": int,

"id": int,

"image_id": int,

"category_id": int,

"segmentation": RLE or [polygon],

"area": float,

"bbox": [x,y,width,height],

"iscrowd": 0 or 1,



"id": int,

"name": str,

"supercategory": str,

"keypoints": [str],

"skeleton": [edge]


notice this version only support v = 0(unlabeled) & v = 2 (can visable and labeled) for each keypoints and you should label unlabeled point to (0, 0) in labelme
