M. Mostafa Farzan
M. Mostafa Farzan
'stderr' output is caused by errors and/or warnings. In your case it's probably just the warnings.
Following the hint by @romgrk I got to these commands for getting Page-Up & Page-Down to work: ``` dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-up "['Page_Up', 'Up']" dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-down "['Page_Down', 'Down']" dconf write...
> `curio` [has a decorator @asyncioable](https://github.com/dabeaz/curio/blob/81b00620003ce31e8ebfe65ffdeeb0ac827d956c/curio/meta.py#L162-L194) that it uses to [make some functions on it's primitives usable in asyncio](https://github.com/dabeaz/curio/blob/81b00620003ce31e8ebfe65ffdeeb0ac827d956c/curio/queue.py#L186-L209). Interestingly, I've been using a decorator that takes an asyncio function...
This could have a number of reasons. Can you share the xelatex logs (generated by the last command)? Also make sure you have XB Niloofar font installed.
Can you attach the ipynb and the latex sources? Also please specify the OS you're using (and the version, if applicable)
> How to turn this thing off? Do i need to resort to ublock filters or what? I'm using this ublock filter: ``` github.com##div.js-diff-progressive-container:has-text(/Unchanged files with check annotations/) ```