Maybe this can be fixed by adding eps [here](https://github.com/yenchenlin/nerf-pytorch/blob/master/run_nerf_helpers.py#L12)?
eps means epsilon ε. it means very small value like 0.0000001
Unfortunately, for personal reasons, I cannot provide the dataset that caused this error. To be honest, it was 4 months ago, so it's hard to remember how to reproduce it...
Current warning message is just `license value 'GPL-2.0+' is deprecated. See http://spdx.org/licenses.` I think this is not user-friendly much. Any suggestions are welcome. I gave up using `obsoletedBy` values added...
Thank you for reviewing! I would like to wait for spdx/LicenseListPublisher#12.
@hsbt Currently, I am not working on this issue, so this is not WIP. I am just waiting for https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/pull/2259#issuecomment-377777397 . However, this PR can be merged if you think...
> Looking at this again, `obsoleteBy` is still not exposed. I think we can go with this one for now. @m1kit would you mind rebasing this? Sorry, I'm a little...
Since I am busy with a graduation thesis, I cannot spare time this month. Sorry!