
Results 16 comments of m1heng

Had same issue, but worked after deleted all content-addressable store. Btw I don't know if its relevant that I am using M1 mac.

And also I have two repo using different npm registry, but using the same store. I think it is possible to find a reproduce way.

Just a guess. Since permissions are shared between original file and its hard links, what if packages' install scripts (or pnpm did, or other tools) changed its file's permission in...

> 竟然看到类似的经历,现在挺好的,大家已经大规模接受软链接,当年 pnpm 出来的时候大家都吐槽为啥是软链接。 不过事情总是非常奇妙,可遇见的 2022 年,回归到 npm 最原始的文件目录格式,又会引发一轮浪潮。 其实 npm 也在做软链模式了 https://github.com/npm/rfcs/pull/436

> > > 2022年应该会出现一个回归普通文件的模式,期待变化。 > > > > > > 使用 yarn 的 pnp 需要用它的 resolver 才能从映射表找到正确的资源 使用 pnpm 后通过硬链接达到资源共享,只需支持软链接即可,降低了其他工具支持的成本 > > 一时很难想到更优秀的方案了,期待出现 ~ > > 明天的 SEEConf https://seeconf.antfin.com/ ,有一个分享会讲到...

> I think we should at the very least improve the docs. If we can't fix the bug easily, we could change the error message to give more useful advice...

Is it possible to implement this through plugin?

Inside a large monorepo, it is quite common that you have both sass and node-sass installed and accessible by any package. Without a config for sass selector, it is not...

🤔 Just realized that if this merged, https://github.com/apollographql/federation/pull/1345 some of my current work maybe need revert too?

> Just stumbled upon this https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-tooling/pull/2552/files/de2f287c24ddfd19cde67f5e34a07bcd1c69de77 > > > **[2022-01-21] Note - Upcoming Deprecation Plans:** We (Apollo) are working towards fully deprecating this repository and its related projects. Most of...