Bug #698 is also related to adif import and states that the user cannot import adif with duplicates. Since I upgraded to 2.3.4 in Windows I also can no longer...
More info: Today I noticed that before I try and upload any contacts to eQSL, LoTW or ClubLog then I can use the upload queued QSOs to Clublog and I...
Here is an example QSO that I just exported from klog: EA4HTI 20221105 152930 28.0751 10M 28.0751 10M FT8 IM68 IO82XR M0WTN 20221105 153030 14 37 281 Q M Q...
This is no longer an issue since I upgraded to klog v2.3.1
This is the same issue that I reported on October 30th #524. To workaround this issue I currently use klog to upload to Clublog before I use klog to upload...
I believe that you do not see the problem because you probably have multiple QSOs that can be uploaded. The easiest way to reproduce the problem is to modify all...