
Results 8 comments of m0ppers

@emoon any status update? I checked your master branch but as far as I can tell there is no related commit in the master branch or I am blind? Did...

[uvmapfail.zip](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-IO/files/8361751/uvmapfail.zip) I am not 100% sure that the order of data elements is consistent so I embedded the exported gltf as well: ``` [mop@ludwig-otto uvmapfail]$ cat uvmapfail.gltf | jq .meshes...

This is related to the jade loader. It will return a function (so you can supply template variables). ng-template however will require a string. To do the conversion the apply...

@dumblob thanks for reaching out. unfortunately I have too many side projects already :(

This bug also appears when using eventlet together with redis: ``` import redis import eventlet eventlet.monkey_patch(socket=True) r = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, db=0, ssl=True, ssl_ca_certs='ca.crt') r.set('he', 'he') ``` Upon establishing a connection...

@temoto yes this was just my minimal testground to dig into the problem. this is not what is happening in the real application. thanks for looking into it

btw I have an ugly monkey patch that patches the monkey patch that works (probably not a proper fix though :joy: :see_no_evil: ) ``` from eventlet.green import ssl import redis...

FYI I have started doing a vulkan renderer in case that is still relevant: https://github.com/m0ppers/nuklear-vulkan