Hi, is resolving the issue with a logical vector for fstlib planned? It would be extremely useful to have an option of full random access instead of the fst::read_fst(file, from...
1,8T bfd 272G bfd_metaclust_clu_complete_id30_c90_final_seq.sorted_opt.tar.gz 279G pdb100_2021Mar03 82G pdb100_2021Mar03.tar.gz 181G UniRef30_2020_06 47G UniRef30_2020_06_hhsuite.tar.gz 1,1G weights.tar.gz
Congratulations! Sure, I'll just keep opening new threads and resolving problems on my own, and you'll see to it then.
Hmm, my rationale was just that keeping names, instead of 'rank' numbers would make it easier to spot mistakes or the fact that genes got shuffled along the way -...
I observed no significant difference in performance when having gene names as factor (as in the function in the first post)