Mæve Rey

Results 20 issues of Mæve Rey

## Short description When running `dephell self autocomplete`, dephell adds the necessary line for auto-completion in `$HOME/.zshrc`: https://github.com/dephell/dephell/blob/b9a7f596a11aa383a2962c64db08324b60f623bd/dephell/commands/self_autocomplete.py#L88 However, the path to the directory where the rc file is in,...

I was wondering if there are plans of supporting Linux in the future

In the `README.md` file, on line 9, the link "demo-gif" points to "https://camo.githubusercontent.com/5d1708e592d41d2340e0a958a73562d1547d12ea9563c1bce7095a2765b1032e/687474703a2f2f6e77672e706c2f4c79636865652f75706c6f6164732f6269672f30623238343736326530373565653034646631643061333738636535653230612e676966". However, that URL returns a 404 error.

When `hub` is added as wrapper for git by setting an alias, the necessary changes are made in `~/.zshrc`: https://github.com/github/hub/blob/e50cc02b1d4085928ef35302c3853f7be6d0923f/commands/alias.go#L85-L86 However, the location of `.zshrc` is not always `~/.zshrc`. The...


Once #41 is implemented, it would be awesome to not only being able to switch between light and dark theme manually, but also having the option of the keyboard following...


Currently, when a user saves an image in wire to local storage, it is saved to `/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Wire Images`. It would be nice to be able to specify the download location...

feature request

The readme file states that `pip install archivenow` can be used to install archivenow (https://github.com/oduwsdl/archivenow). However, on pypi (https://pypi.org/project/archivenow/), the website of archivenow is https://github.com/maturban/archivenow.

I'm currently using the server that a friend of mine is hosting. I have a subdomain that 301 redirects to his hauk server subdomain. However, the android app doesn't work...

If you have a lot of bookmarks saved, it's difficult to get to the latest bookmarks, because they are at the bottom of the bookmark list. You have to scroll...