Max Novikov
Max Novikov
Probably makes sense to remove all auto-generated files here I think `nvim-treesitter` also supposes this with a flag in parser configuration `requires_generate_from_grammar = true` `.gitignore` should also be updated
There is related issue in While removing parser from the repo is a good stop-gap solution, we would need to investigate the cause, generation times also getting progressively longer.
`parser.c` is generated file, but `` is not. Use in python implies that user run `tree-sitter generate` before. You can see it in #63 `binding.gyp` in this PR has a...
Sorry have little time these days. I'll merge first so I can actually comment on PRs, this would need rebase. I also disagree with changes to alliases: For example:...
This mostly question of my personal time :) I'll plan to review and merge your PRs by the end of this week. As I don't have too much time and...
I merged a couple some PRs, please rebase existing to the latest main.
When this project would be reverted to aioredis codebase instead of current one?
@seandstewart I was also curious about this issue and did a bit of digging. > I suspect the issue lies with our connections re-implementation, which is using a port of...
So here is the repo with a couple of the above benchmarks and a couple of experimental clients: Here is [very minimalistic client]( covering the above use case (get,...
> Ah, yes I recall the logic now. This pipelining would be more efficient, but it made debugging extremely difficult. I'd say it's not a problem of pipelining, but mostly...