I implemented this [here](https://github.com/m-mueller678/rustyline/) by adding a new variant to `config::Behaviour` that allows the user to specify file descriptors to use. Would you like me to file a PR?
My main use case for this feature is working with pseudoterminals other than the one controlling the process. Only Unix is supported because I don't have a Windows machine to...
Getting the same issue with manually signed post policies. User credentials work, those from AssumeRole don't.
I would like to add `aws_sdk_cognitoidentity::model::Credentials` to the list. It would also be nice if documentation mentions the fact that there are multiple different `Credential` types, this confused me for...
I am talking about this part of the build script that launches multiple cargo instances in parallel ``` // Run the bios build commands concurrently. // (Cargo already uses multiple...
I am not familiar with cargo internals, but I have observed at least three concurrent `rustc` invocations in `top`.
I switched to UEFI as a workaround, that was much faster. Unfortunately, I don't have the BIOS code at hand anymore.
I am now using stripped binaries with BIOS, it is faster than unstripped with BIOS. 1.8s for 750KB, which still seems kind of slow to be honest.
I think it already tries to load multiple contiguous sectors: `let sectors = u64::min(number_of_sectors, 32) as u16;` I'm not sure why it's limited to 32 though, Wikipedia says some BIOS...
I never measured it for 0.9, I remember it being practically instantaneous while following the OS dev tutorial. The first thing I did after is switching to the new bootloader,...