Mohamed Mohamedin

Results 45 comments of Mohamed Mohamedin

I've tried the portable version (no-install) and it works in terms of exporting diagrams. But, it doesn't show any message in the command prompt. This is an issue with...

Electron-builder issue: electron-userland/electron-builder#3998

As stated above, it works but with no output. It is an issue with electron builder and it's not fixed yet

@TomyLobo I've tried it and it works. In snap, automatic updates are disabled. The log in my case says: "SNAP env is defined, updater is disabled" Which OS are you...

To set the default to not compress files. From Extras -> Configuration... Add the following JSON config: ``` { "compressXml": false } ``` In next version, there will be...

Hi, In my setup, it was nvm problem. NVM is installed as the current user and I fixed the problem by added LOCAL SERVICE user to the node directory and...

We have a potential fix which will be available in the next release

Dragging a file to the editor is **importing** the file in the current one. It is not equivalent to opening.

I couldn't reproduce on Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (amd64)

Will be available in the next release Usage (the same but input file extension is .csv): -x file.csv -f [xml/pdf/png/jpg/svg]