Mehmet Korkut

Results 5 issues of Mehmet Korkut

Hello, How can I download the graphic as pdf or image, will this kind of file download feature be added in future developments?

When uploaded images changing, image not view refresh. at the time of render The picture at placeholderSrc is not shown, the old loaded picture is displayed ` ` Does anyone...

error:Violation: requireNativeComponent: "DirectedScrollViewChild" was not found in the UIManager. ı did the linking process (react-native link react-native-directed-scrollview) not working and added manuel ios/PodFile ( pod 'react-native-directed-scrollview', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-directed-scrollview/react-native-directed-scrollview.podspec') changed...

hii , example my two collections 1-studentCollection => There is student information 2- reportCollection => There is report information . Relationship = reportCollection (student_id) ---> studentCollection (_id) join using ,I...

error message :" module.js:471 throw err" ı think it is "api.js router"