Mojtaba Jahani
Mojtaba Jahani
The size of *asm.hic.p_ctg.gfa is 844829462. Yes, it does have sex chromosome. The target genome is a female plant with XX sex chromosomes.
Thanks for your reply. I will try Hi-C heatmap and/or contig-to-contig alignment. Another Question. When I decrease the -s parameter to 48, haps sizes are much closer (balance), and BUSCO...
My bad, I meant --hom-cov 48. Would any of -S or --hom-cov work in my case?
That is my question too, please let me know if you find any answer for it. Thanks, Mojtaba
Yes, I am doing the same thing. However, the results are not promising so far. There are large differences between the two haplotypes.
Thanks for your answer, $MERQURY/eval/ calculates the percentage of false duplication while I was looking for a bed file that shows the location of those segments. Like what has been...