M Fariz Alasyir
M Fariz Alasyir
Hi, this package is awesome, but I got the same issue when I jumped into Pop-OS 21.04 recently with **pandasgui 0.2.13**. I used to get this package worked in other...
Thanks for your help. Recently, I tried to solve the problem and it worked well. The problem happened when I installed the library I needed in user local directory. So,...
Hello, @SergeyLuzyanin , Sure, Here's the file [chart-01.zip](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors/files/13849198/chart-01.zip)
@SergeyLuzyanin Thanks a lot. I'm really glad to know that this will be getting better in the next release.
Thank you for following up on this issue
I also support MongoDB to be implemented in Beekeeper Studio. [DbGate](https://dbgate.org) has implemented it.