What's the functionality you want specifically? Is it that you want the [follow links](https://github.com/jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim#follow-links-and-citations) function to accommodate this style of link?
That'd be cool. This syntax `# Header {#custom-attribute}` is used by the `markdown-it` npm packages too.
Related issue https://github.com/jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim/issues/89
Oh... wait not quite as related as I thought... that's about *autocomplete* of the link whereas this is explicitly about *following* the link; both are about links to headers.
https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/22125 says that NeoVim core currently *is* capable of doing this. Just posting here for the record, glad to favor #1396 to keep discussion in one place, thanks.
@MultisampledNight is this something you've had a chance to think about at all? I use Vim for all my writing projects (blog, books, documentation) and it would be tremendously amazing...
Wow, excited to see this reopen! Sorry I can't contribute to the discussion, but thanks for the consideration :)
It exists now https://github.com/dbcli/litecli :)
tmuxinator allows for passing options to tmux like this: `tmux_options: -L lrn -f .config/tmux.conf` I just tried that with tmuxp. No errors, and it launches the tmux session. BUT... `tmux...
Oh, tmuxinator has `socket_name: lrn` for doing `tmux -L lrn ...`. Socket name gets its own thing rather than using the `tmux_options:` for the socket option. But that's tmuxinator. How...