Tmuxinator can pass args to `tmux` like so... `tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf`. I thought Tmuxp could do this just as well as Tmuxinator. Am I mistaken about the method for this?...
I actually thought this could be achieved by supplying normal `tmux` options via yaml `options:` but that doesn't seem to work https://github.com/tmux-python/tmuxp/issues/867.
`tig status` is such a gift to me -- thank you! I often use it for writing projects (and coding too, though that's less relevant here) in which a "paragraph"...
I'm super curious what you think of this feature. It would certainly need care and intention to implement in a safe/sane way... for example nvim-luapad's warning sounds like it could...
Nice! I agree on iron vs luapad/luadev. REPLs came up on reddit (maybe just yesterday?) and I was surprised to see a bunch of people vote for https://github.com/jpalardy/vim-slime and not...
Aha, and another option is https://github.com/Olical/conjure. Are there more? I did (*finally making the change from lunarvim-basic-ide to astronvim*) try the debugger's repl functionality. I failed to get it to...
I'm surprised by how minimal this is: ``` return { { "michaelb/sniprun", keys = {}, opts = {}, build = "bash ./install.sh 1", cmd = "SnipRun", }, ``` Should there...
Ok, that makes sense.
Hey, thanks for the response! I'm grateful to know it's not possible to avoid spending lots of time trying to find out!
omg yes, please