Em D
Em D
I'm not sure which version of Vagrant you are using, however your syntax to add the box differs to mine. I'm using: vagrant box add boxes/debian820.box --name=debian820 vagrant box add...
Here's what I'm running on my system: packer-io 0.8.5-1 virtualbox 5.0.4-1 vagrant 1.7.4-3
I've had this before -- usually it's because the image specified in Autounattended.xml doesn't match what's available. If you grab a copy of the install.wim file from the Windows 7...
Further comments.. I haven't gone over the code extensively, but my understanding (as someone who doesn't develop Python) is that the optimus-manager.conf blacklist file is permanent (copied in PKGBUILD), so...
I went back to the stable version in AUR which didn't make a difference. I also set `switching=none` and `pci_power_control=no` -- same issue in that the nvidia module still loads....
You're right. This is an oversight on my behalf. I did write this with the intention of being backwards compatible with earlier versions of Server and PowerShell. I've fixed this...
I've added the ConvertFrom-Json20 function in fcc6b5d1027e17853bbc374b81464b46829edcef. As you've mentioned, it does require .NET 3.5, and from the brief searching I've done Server 2008, SBS etc seem to come with...