Results 114 issues of Lyz

I want to be able to do operations on the parent of a DeepSearch result. I've tried with the `extract` function, but it returns the value of the matched path....

When writing a long paragraph in a list, the text in markdown is usually indented. For example: ``` * Developers need to integrate app and business related metrics as an...

Hi, fwknop-server doesn't recognize the specified access gpg key. The client gpg key is the following: ```bash $ gpg --fingerprint --fingerprint XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX52019803 pub rsa4096 2018-01-25 [SCEA] [expires: 2019-01-20] XXXX XXXX...

Hi, I've seen that the README points to [Sops Adding and removing keys]( documentation for key updates. Is there any way to automatically re-encrypt all the `secrets.yaml` when a new...

Hi, first of all, thanks for the awesome program, it's saving me a lot of time. Something bothers me though, the process of updating the templates of all the projects...

SQLite supports [upsert statements]( much like Postgres. I've seen that Postgres' was implemented by #202 closing #149 Are there any plans of implementing the same in the SQLite query builder?...

help wanted

Make sure these boxes are checked before submitting your pull request: - [x] Add fixtures and spec when implementing or updating a test runner - [x] Update the README accordingly...

## Description If any pre-commit hook fails, the commitizen message is lost and you need to run `cz c --retry`. ## Possible Solution If the hooks are run before prompting...

type: feature