Lyubomir Ivanov
Lyubomir Ivanov
Give me some context pls. (package version android SDK version, etc.). Have you tried example application. New version is alinged with the most recent react-native and is working just fine.
Can you try with [email protected] (i.e the version with gpg)?
@tasn , last project I've used this library in used npm as package manager, so I can't tell if it is yarn related.
I've just updated the example application to newest RN and v0.3.9 of this package. I used yarn to build and run it on both iOS and Android emulators (I had...
Latest react-native-sodium (0.3.9) had been published about an hour ago.
Post the exact error message, please! Xcode version used to compile library for iOS is 11.7.
@tsan, @khan-zia, @tbrent Please give some more context - yarn version, npm version, OS version, RN version. Also exact steps to reproduce this issue.
My attempt to reproduce: ``` 1. npx react-native init test_rns && cd test_rns 2. yarn add react-native-sodium 3. ls -R1 node_modules/react-native-sodium/libsodium | wc -l (404) 4. yarn add react-navigation (randomly...
@tasn: I still haven't try your suggestion, but running yarn (not yarn install) would possibly skip 'postinstall' hook, which is used to unzip precompiled.tgz file
The problem with hooking with build scripts is that if someone wants to build the library from source, and later these compiled files get deleted, users may end up with...