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A Python implementation of LightFM, a hybrid recommendation algorithm.

Results 142 lightfm issues
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This error is somewhat weird and seems to violate docker principles. Here is the explanation for it: - I installed lightfm in a docker container in machine 1 via pip...

Method `_check_initialized()` called on each prediction methods call. It checks that embeddings, biases, gradients and momentum are set while only embeddings and biases are used for predictions. Do we really...

First of all, thank you very much for that awesome package! I think `lightFM` could use `CuPy` to enable GPU computation. I have a lot of data and making predictions...

I am building a recommendation system in order to recommend training to employees based on user features and item features which LightFM according to the documentation its a great algorithm....

I believe NDCG@k is usually better metric to evaluate a recommendation system. Can we add the NDCG@k metric for model evaluation? Or is there an easy way to calculate the...

Good evening, I'm currently working on a dataset which contains duplicate user-item pairs but with different values for some features (which also contain mixed data types). For example: - user...

Do I need to provide item/user features for predict() if I've already included the features in fit()? If not, when do I need to assign item/user features in predict()? Thanks!

Hi! Thank you for creating this very useful package. I'm working on implementing recommendation systems and I was trying to get the metric "average_recall/precision" from this package instead of just...

Thanks for opening an issue! Please include as much detail as possible: what does your dataset look like, what hyperparameters you are using (and have you tried other ones?). When...

Hi! I have a question about a sentence contained in [LigtFM paper]( > If the feature sets also contain meta-data features **shared by more than one item or user**, LightFM...