
Results 12 comments of lyon470

Hi I have the same issue. Is there a already a solution ?

I have the teensy 3.2 and 5 universe Input but the last universe is lacking. Have i an issue in my code or is this the limit ?

I don't find anything in the forum. Do you have an link ?

i have the Ethernet Shield with the W5500 chip. Is this a Problem ?

I want to use the Ethernet2 lib but i get an error. what do i have to Change ?

Ethernet2 lib is specifically for the W5500 chip

Yes but why i got only 4 universe incoming? I see in the Serial monitor that universe 1-4 are perfect but i don't get more than that

Yeah many thanks i tested it now with 13 universes without lacking. But now i have another Problem/issue. Resolume shows me all artnet nodes in my Network, also the Arduino....

After a few long days it now work. I tested 13 Universes but it can be more. But now i have another problem. I have two arduino teensy in my...

Resolume(PC) - Teensy 1 - Teensy 2 - Code: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Adafruit_NeoPixel leds = Adafruit_NeoPixel(170, 2, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);...