I Solved it by first adding these lines into androidManifest so as to attain persmiision to write in storage ` ` then i requested persmission in my function before writing...
Guys I Know how to solve it it's very tricky I will grab my computer soon and post a sample code of how I did solved it On Fri, Jun...
yeah same problem here
same issue here
Bump still facing this issue don't even know where to start fixing it
This solution worked for me `const imagePath = `assets${logo.path}` function convertImageToBase64 (imagePath){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(imagePath, (err, data) => { if (err) { reject(err); // Reject the...
Facing the same issue on node.js i tried to convert image to base64
Subject: Simplifying MongoDB Array of Objects Update in Go with Gin Hi there, I recently faced a challenging task of updating an array of objects in my MongoDB document using...
meaning it can not work outside document directory path?