lally elias

Results 51 comments of lally elias

same here on Android 4.4.4 (API 19)

I add ``` xml xmlns:fab="" ``` in my layout where am using FAM and FAB and save my day See [#211](

@gmcnaught Sure. I will apprecieate the pull request. Also make use of latest version of kue-unique. Thanks.

@gmcnaught Sure. Another intention is to move other logics to `Job` than pollute `Queue` only. An example `kue-scheduler` contain logics to clear `kue db` and `reset current kue queue instance`...

@gmcnaught This is because `kue-scheduler` rely much on redis working to achieve what it does in scheduling `every` jobs. So if you say a job to run `every five seconds`...

@gmcnaught It sound cool. I will appreciate if all features and bug fix to be for stable kue versions.

Hello @gmcnaught so we need to have or improve history of every job results if i get you correctly. The way its implemented so far is like this. 1. `every...

@adampatarino, @schmod & @gmcnaught So the feature required is: Ability keep history of the job running especially a job scheduled to run every after specific time interval. If son this...