Hi, thank you for this package! I've really enjoyed it. Here is the situation. When the tab we need to go is far from the current tab, `centaur-tabs-forward/backward` maybe not...
It works well when translating short sentences  But when translating longer sentences, it doesn't show the translated result. 
When I make this, I get this error. I use cuda 10.2, cudnn 7.6.5, tensorrt ``` -- Found TensorRT headers at /root/TensorRT- -- Find TensorRT libs at /root/TensorRT-;/root/TensorRT-;/root/TensorRT- --...
When using `my/elfeed-search-view-hydra` `@` keybinding to `complete-age`, the error occurs that ``` Wrong type argument: stringp, (lambda nil (interactive) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (let* ((date-regexp "\\(\\(?:\\‘\\|[[:blank:]]\\)@[[:digit:]]+[^[:blank:]]+\\)") (date-tag (if (string-match...