Results 10 comments of LyFE

> > > I converted the image in base64 but still not working. > > > const ur="" const buffer = Buffer.from(ur, 'base64') client.sendMessage(m.from, {image:{url:"[",}}](,%7D%7D), {jpegThumbnail:buffer}) > > > >...

> Qr not working, can't use normal WhatsApp web. Support multi device

> # The plugin remove cmd not working (.remove) attach screenshot

plugin list ?

> I need upload some files to my group members ,but bot cant upload that ,plz help what you mean bot cant

> > > > bot can't upload file more than 1gb only 110mb file can uploaded If your using heroku , use a plan that can handle 1 gb file

> > If your using heroku , use a plan that can handle 1 gb file > > * then I deploy on railway ,can I upload 1Gb file It...

with ubuntu install node,yarn,pm2,ffmpeg yarn npm start


Try set method as captcha