For example, the parser parses `{{#expr:8> import mwparserfromhell` `>>> mwparserfromhell.parse('{{#expr:8
I am working on MacOS. I have installed bullet 2.2.0 using pip. When I running the following code, and press the down arrow, ```py from bullet import Input cli =...
## Description The server is a simple Flask application using werkzeug and gunicorn. I am using telnet for the client. When the client sends a malformed request, Werkzeug does not...
Refer to [this question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47382370/why-debugging-on-real-ios-devices-does-not-send-network-packets) and [my project](https://github.com/lxylxy123456/FGFS-Controller) When I send a UDP package to an IP Address, the simulator accepts the package, but when testing on a real device, send...
Fixed some JSON syntax errors detected by GitHub's code highlight feature.
In the end of `doc/man3/EVP_EncryptInit.pod`, there are some example functions. The last function is "Encryption using AES-CBC with a 256-bit key with "CS1" ciphertext stealing." However, there are a few...
`from ffmpegwrapper import FFmpeg, Input, Output` When running `FFmpeg('ffmpeg', Input('a.mp4'), Output('-b.mp4'))`, ffmpeg gives "Unrecognized option 'b.mp4'." It seems that the command becomes `ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -b.mp4` But the command should...
**Actual behavior** When the docker image contains a symbolic to itself (e.g. `ln -s e e`, where `e` is the file name located in `/jkl/`), kaniko fails by printing error...
As documented in [Media Wiki's Help Page](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words), media wiki supports magic words like {{ NAMESPACE }}, but mediawiki-parser does not support it. Even providing ways for users to create custom...