
Results 3 issues of LeeXin1991

When i run the evaluation command to test the combined model `env CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python -m allennlp.run evaluate baseline_output --evaluation-data-file data/qasrl-v2/dense/dev.jsonl.gz --cuda-device 0 --include-package nrl --overrides '{"dataset_reader": {"question_sources": "turk", "min_answers": 6,...

After reading "QA-SRL", I ran the code after installing Allennlp 0.8.3. It reported an error:"TypeError: from_params() takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- File "/home/lixin/Documents/qasrl-bank-master/nrl-qasrl-master/nrl/models/qasrl_parser.py", line 34, in...

I noticed that the default index number 0 word in the vocabulary is "padding_token",there is another token "_" in the vocab. What's the difference between them? Thanks for your reply.