Wenzheng Liu

Results 12 issues of Wenzheng Liu

Currently, the mlsql plugin defines the scope of compatibility by enumerating the supported versions. But, once a new version is generated, the plugin will not adapt and occur errors like...

mlsql can add config in `start-local.sh`, but it not easy for users to understand or use this configuration. we can add all configurations to a properties file. For each configuration,...

mlsql enables load multiple plugins, like apps, ets and others. But, we need to specify the `streaming.plugin.clzznames`, if we have many plugins to load, this param will be very long....

We specify the parent version with a constant version, So if the project update to a new version, we need to changes all modules parent version. In parent pom: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23639010/124060695-25c03080-da60-11eb-978f-fda616f1a832.png)...

I can not easily run `maven clean install -DskipTests` in the project home to compile. Also If I want to debug in IDEA, I need to manually set up profiles...

### Backend CH (ClickHouse) ### Bug description SQL: ``` select overlay(LSTG_FORMAT_NAME PLACING 'abc' FROM 1), overlay(LSTG_FORMAT_NAME PLACING 'abc' FROM 1 FOR 1) from test_kylin_fact ``` Error: ![image](https://github.com/apache/incubator-gluten/assets/23639010/b7636572-69f5-4e12-9c69-3ae882cd5d5f) Sig[Overlay](OVERLAY) is defined...


### Description build gluten clickhouse with arm64


### Backend CH (ClickHouse) ### Bug description Use tpch-sf100 dataset. SQL: select count(*) from tpch.lineitem where l_shipdate >= date'1994-01-01'; query parquet returns 432979512, query mergetree returns 427130951 after set enabled_driver_filter_mergetree_index...
