Using Chrome, I have a PHP script that has two simple 'echo' statements: echo 'FIRST TEXT'; echo 'SECOND TEXT'; but this outputs: SECOND TEXT FIRST TEXT Turning off 'json-viewer' returns...
I need to preload some dates but the dates are not in the present month. I ran the "Preset Dates" script and changed the "new date()" to "new date( '...
I tried using the "Chunked" version of the example on a large xls file. I am blowing up with memory allocation. It looks like the complete file is loaded and...
I am calling an ajax function from JS in my admin menu page. If I put the add_action( wp_ajax...) and function in my base plugin file then all works fine....
I am executing an ajax request in an admin page that is generated by my plugin. I tried putting the server-side PHP code in various places in classes in '/admin'...