sure ! I'll test it out now
So I updated my SuperDirt to the most recent version and there are no more problems with an overloaded low pass filter of frequency >20kHz. I also tested out the...
Just came across this, seems like it's doing something like what's described in this issue:
Heya, happy to stay as actively involved as possible. Same as @ndr-brt et al that I haven't felt comfortable merging any PRs with things like specific features as figured it...
Maybe adding an autocomplete feature for drum bank samples??
As in ? [out] queryArc "some pattern" arcsize [in] [[((1,1),(2,1)),((1,1),(2,1))](0>½)|"a",[((1,1),(2,1)),((3,1),(4,1))]0-(½>1)|"b"]
Sounds like it might be package specific- I've opened up an issue there- thanks!