I have read the protocol in webpage of xpore (https://xpore.readthedocs.io/en/latest/preparation.html). It recomands us to mapping the long mRNA reads with the following commands "minimap2 -ax **map-ont** -uf -t 3 --secondary=no...
Dear, when I use cellchat ,I am wondering how to save multiple plots which produced from following code: par(mfrow = c(1,2), xpd=TRUE) netVisual_diffInteraction(cellchat, weight.scale = T) netVisual_diffInteraction(cellchat, weight.scale = T,...
Hi, I have run the AmpliconArchitect with following command "python2 AmpliconArchitect.py --ref None --downsample 10 --bed WGS000100002tumor_AACNVbed.bed --bam WGS000100002tumor.dup.realign.bam --runmode FULL --out WGS000100002tumor.Amplicon", but I have encountered some problems, could...
After install tbsp successfully, I run with the following command "tbsp -i 05.vcfsplit -o out_dir". However, I encountered following error report. Coud you offer some help? cell:13645 Traceback (most recent...
Hi, I have a little problem when useing cnvkit, can you offer some help? I have only one bam withou normla bam and my species are not in the repo...
when I integrating datasets with scVI in R (https://docs.scvi-tools.org/en/stable/tutorials/notebooks/scrna/scvi_in_R.html), it reports the following warnings. I am wondering how could I set the num_workers in R? Could you give some suggestions?...
The program "scRNAtoolVis" do helps me a lot. Thanks for your sharing! I have meet an problem when I using "AverageHeatmap". I notice that "fontsize" could adjust the size of...