Lwin Kyaw Myat
Lwin Kyaw Myat
@lifeiscontent I'm have the same problem? ``` Failed to load resource: the server responded with a https://USER.github.io/dist/main.47fc5621649d57c92a92.js status of 404 (Not Found) ``` May be missing **project name** when `npm...
@lifeiscontent your patch isn't push to gh-pages. But only build like original. Here is my log with your patch ``` Starting 'publish'... Starting 'clean'... Finished 'clean' after 25ms Starting 'build'......
How about [this one](https://github.com/kanaung/converter/blob/master/ext/rules/Myanmar3/WinInnwa-rules-ascii.php)?
တရားဝင် [Open Data](https://www.facebook.com/yangonbus/photos/a.540161462854436.1073741831.538168386387077/541432612727321/?type=3&theater) ထုတ်ပေးတော့မယ်လို့ ကြေငြာထားတယ်။ မှတ်တိုင် တည်နေရာတွေလဲ ပါလာလောက်တယ်။ ကိုယ်တိုင်လုပ်လိုရင်တော့ [ဒီကိုသွားကြည့်(မူရင်း)](http://jsfiddle.net/doktormolle/aZrvs/) (သို့မဟုတ်) အောက်မှာ ```javascript var map; var infowindow; var service ; function initialize(lat,lng) { var origin = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng); map =...
@vincent-paing အပေါ်က ကုဒ်က အလုပ်လုပ်တယ် အကုန်လုံးပါ မလာဘူး။ ရန်ကုန်၊ ဘန်ကောက်၊ စင်ကာပူ တို့တွင်စမ်းသပ်ပြီး။ :-1: :-1: :-1:
@vincent-paing ဟုတ်တယ် မှတ်တိုင်။ `'train_station', 'bus_station','subway_station','transit_station' `သူတို့အားလုံးလဲ တူတူပဲ။
I solved problem with this issue(#56) in `rails 5`.
I'm have the same issue on `rails - 5.1`. I opinion is that should not using [jquery.turbolinks](https://github.com/kossnocorp/jquery.turbolinks) because it library is **deprecated**. I'm also tried like #119 issue. I worked...
## Problem `Rails 5` becomes with `Turbolinks 5`. Turbolinks 5 is not support `page:change` event. [Here](https://github.com/turbolinks/turbolinks#turbolinkssupported) is turbolinks supported events list. ## Solution So, If you are using turbolinks 5,...
hi @ericnograles, I'll try with your recommend. I'll will tell about the result. 👍 👍 👍