Results 13 issues of Tamas Lustyik

`bootstrap_create_server()` is deprecated

tech debt

The kernel extension doesn't seem to load, probably due to code signing issues (OS imposes stricter security rules since the sample code was conceived in the Lion age).


One of SourceKitten's dependency didn't respect semantic versioning and bumped Swift to v5 without bumping the major version. This makes Bridgecraft builds also depend on the availability of Swift 5...

Sudden realization: the generated interface is not valid swift because: - class definitions don't have method bodies - protocol definitions are syntactically incorrect (because of the `public` modifier) - global...


Branch 3538 (based on Chromium 70) changed the way helper processes are sandboxed, basically by eliminating the unsandboxed warmup phase (spanning from when the dynamic linker has loaded CEFswift/CEF up...

tech debt

- no class prefix - free functions should start with lowercase


due to the efforts towards a swifter API, quickhelp documentation has become inaccurate to say the least soon as `appledoc` is back from the dead