How to return an object or value from function in das script to cpp host program? C++ is calling das Context like this ctx.eval(fnTest, nullptr); It is not clear how...
Could you please provide the information how to use dascript with 3D (opengl or BGFX). I was trying to enable in cmake option BGFX, but with this I am getting...
### Describe the bug There is error when I am tryin to run converted raylib game from wasm to apple M1 (I have compiled to webassembly this game and it...
Hi. Could you make support for phisic editor for the Castle Engine? (https://castle-engine.io) I wrote to author of Castle Game Engine (my message " Is it possible to use a...
UInder windows there is error helloworld.exe An unhandled exception occurred at $00007FFBB61DFAAD: EAccessViolation: Access violation $00007FFBB61DFAAD $00007FFAFBFEF5C2 $00007FFAFBFF4E3D $0000000100012E7E $0000000100001929 $0000000100001956 $000000010000CE50 $00000001000017B0 $00007FFBB5A174B4 $00007FFBB62026A1 D:\dev\PasBGFX\Examples\00-helloworld> HOW TO FIX IT?...
examples\3d\assimp3DModelLoaderExample\src\ofApp.cpp line 266 need to change from loadModel(dragInfo.files[0]); to loadModel(dragInfo.files[0].string()); [email protected]
utils/ofThread.h:42:7: warning: 'class ofThread' has virtual functions and accessible non-virtual destructor appear with "g++ main.cpp ofApp.cpp -std=c++17 -Wall -Wnon-virtual-dtor .... " It seems necessary to add "virtual ~ofThread() { }...