Leonid Vasiliev
Leonid Vasiliev
Thank! We have set the option ```zone-cache-refresh-interval=0``` and are testing again.
Hello! Now we are currently using the following environment: ``` root@icinga2:~ # icinga2 --version icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: r2.13.2-1) ... System information: Platform: FreeBSD Platform...
Hello! It's just а simple in the BSD world. ``` bhv01# vm list NAME DATASTORE LOADER CPU MEMORY VNC AUTOSTART STATE dns-test default bhyveload 16 4G - No Stopped bhv01#...
Hi, now I on holiday.I can answer from monday.1:46, 26 августа 2017 г., sunblade :Hello, is any simple way to add SMS report status into GET /api/v1.0/sms// ? Report files...
When status report was requested smstools3 append Message_id header to the sms_file after sending (when sms_file moved to the sent directory). I think, for this request need use eventhandler options...