Luc Vandal
Luc Vandal
Unfortunately, the fix doesn't work for me. dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libsubstrate.dylib Referenced from: /Users/[user]/codesign_fix/codesign_fix.dylib Reason: image not found /usr/bin/codesign: line 9: 2611 Segmentation fault: 11 DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES="${DIR}/codesign_fix.dylib" /usr/bin/codesign_old "${@:1}"
Xcode 10.2 Beta now comes with Swift 5. Any plans on updating swift-badge to support it? Thanks!
Do you have any idea why when I try to archive my project in release, it refuses to do so, saying that some symbols or methods aren't found for armv7...
I've updated to the latest commit, which should be working with Xcode 5 but I get this error: The following build commands failed: ProcessProductPackaging /Applications/ /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyFramework-cacqxlytetntcpcnxgevhatebjto/Build/Intermediates/ The new scripts work...