Results 11 comments of luyao-cv

You can refer to the file **detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/**, which contains a detailed introduction to the detailed configuration process of the data set. such as: **COCO_fomat_your_categories** ``` COCO_CATEGORIES_raw = [ {"color": [119,...

> @hujiecpp can you share output-ISTR-AE-R50 folder in google drive or one drive because i can't download the folder from this website i tried to create an account but...

There might be something wrong here, could you please give me an email address. Thanks very much! ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: ***@***.***>; 发送时间: 2022年8月12日(星期五) 晚上9:22 收件人: ***@***.***>; 抄送: ***@***.***>; ***@***.***>; 主题: Re:...


To change an existing entropy loss function to Focal Loss, you'll need to modify the cross-entropy formula to incorporate the focal term, which helps in handling class imbalance by reducing...

具体到Attention LSTM模型微调,如果任务是高度特定且简单的,也许几十到几百个高质量标注的视频片段就足够了;