dxbc_reader copied to clipboard
easy to read hlsl asm shader code. parse dxbc text and export hlsl like for read
FULL sm4.0 support(little sm5.0)
easy to use & easy to read
.\lua\lua.exe dxbc_reader.lua example/fragment.txt -o dxbc.out
-o output [output filename]
-d true [enable debug info]
translate DXBC code like:
dp4 r0.x, cb2[8].xyzw, v0.xyzw >> r0.x = dot(CBUSE_UB_LOCAL_MATRIX_IDX.u_mtxLP[0].xyzw, in.POSITION.xyzw)
mov o0.x, r0.x >> out.SV_Position.x = r0.x
dp4 r1.y, cb2[9].xyzw, v0.xyzw >> r1.y = dot(CBUSE_UB_LOCAL_MATRIX_IDX.u_mtxLP[1].xyzw, in.POSITION.xyzw)
dp4 r1.z, cb2[10].xyzw, v0.xyzw >> r1.z = dot(CBUSE_UB_LOCAL_MATRIX_IDX.u_mtxLP[2].xyzw, in.POSITION.xyzw)
dp4 r1.w, cb2[11].xyzw, v0.xyzw >> r1.w = dot(CBUSE_UB_LOCAL_MATRIX_IDX.u_mtxLP[3].xyzw, in.POSITION.xyzw)
mov o0.yzw, r1.yyzw >> out.SV_Position.yzw = r1.yzw
mov r0.y, -r1.y >> r0.y = -r1.y
add r0.xy, r0.xyxx, r1.wwww >> r0.xy = r0.xy + r1.ww
mov o4.zw, r1.zzzw >> out.TEXCOORD4.zw = r1.zw
mul o4.xy, r0.xyxx, l(0.500000, 0.500000) >> out.TEXCOORD4.xy = r0.xy * float2(0.5, 0.5)
add r0.x, l(1.000000), cb3[2].x >> r0.x = 1.0 + CBUSE_UB_MODEL_MATERIAL_IDX.u_ambient.x
mul r1.xyzw, v1.xyzw, cb3[1].xyzw >> r1.xyzw = in.COLOR.xyzw * CBUSE_UB_MODEL_MATERIAL_IDX.u_diffuse.xyzw
mul o1.xyz, r0.xxxx, r1.xyzx >> out.TEXCOORD1.xyz = r0.xxx * r1.xyz
mov o1.w, r1.w >> out.TEXCOORD1.w = r1.w
mov o2.zw, l(0,0,0,0) >> out.TEXCOORD2.zw = float2(0, 0)