John Luxford

Results 12 issues of John Luxford

We could extend character support by making use of PHP's [Transliterator]( class. May even be faster too.

[ProseMirror]( does collaborative editing. Switching to this, editing pages, blog posts etc. could show a separate coloured caret with associated thumbnails in a sidebar to see who's on the document....


Adobe is shutting their online image editor down with no migration path, so we need to replace that with an alternative. Toast UI's image editor is MIT licensed, so we...

If we create a callback for the audio clip and pass it the key that was entered, sky's the limit with how melodic or ridiculous you could make the sounds....


We should add support for this out of the box:

Only happens in the reveal text on the left, but when you scroll slowly to the left using a multi-word label like `data-beer-label="Feature On"`.