JKUWXYZ initials don't exist, but the letters could be borrowed from's [Dürer's capital letters]( ([and here]( which seem very close.
> > JKUWXYZ initials don't exist, but the letters could be borrowed from's [Dürer's capital letters]( which seem very close. > > I’m sorry, but the Dürer letters are a...
@georgd I haven't abandonned this. My computer died a month ago and I cannot work on this anymore... for now...
Great! Thank you so much! Edit: I updated #115 A couple things: - if you look at the original A/F/L/T, it looks like the top and the bottom of the...
> I was able to build the otf files but not the rest of the font files. I think the problem is that I do not have all the required...
Much better, thank you very much! 1. The right half of the M doesn't seem straight. You can probably drop the anchor points along the paths. 2. There are still...